Unequal Opportunity: Race And Education

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How does race impact how much education you receive? I ask this because, back in the 1940s, everything was segregated including the school system. Whites couldn’t go to black schools, and blacks couldn't go to white schools. This caused a lot of problems into schools white schools would have a better learning environment, while black schools would n’t have a well educated teacher to teach students; Does that school systems aren’t desegregated. School systems are still segregated even after years of the “Brown vs Board of Education” decision. In New Orleans many of schools I know is either predominantly black or white no school is half, and half. In the article Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education (Linda Darling-Hammond), she has quote …show more content…

In Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education “Race could make or break a student's education, because teachers are less likely to understand a student's learning style, teachers are to blame the students if teachings are not working.” (Linda Darling-Hammond). “Robert Dreeben at University of Chicago did a research on, 300 Chicago first graders African-American and white students who achieved comparable levels on reading skills.” (Linda Darling-Hammond) The results of the test is comparable but the African American students wasn’t given the same level, the white students test was on level and the black student's test was below level. The test should be on level how you gone know if a student learning if the test below …show more content…

Teachers shouldn’t teach if they can’t teach every student the same way no matter the race, the amount of money they have.
The graph also shows how African Americans are low ranked in education in world and White Americans are ranked high in education. My interpret of the graph is that African Americans are far behind in education compared to other races, this should be taking serious that blacks are so far behind that Whites, and blacks should right by each other.
Testing is a way to see if a person is improving, determine if a person is learning, and a good way comparing. Schools with highly qualified teaching low income schools performed as well as advantaged schools. Low income schools should try to work harder to get qualified teachers to teach students. Having more qualified teachers in low income can cause the schools to be able to compete with other schools with better test