
Stereotypes In Hollywood Movies Essay

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Media is a powerful tool that has a great influence over the public. The information provided or withheld concerning a specific event shape the opinions of people, and can be the main source of information they may have over a certain topic. Many media messages are limited and do not perceive all the facts needed to truly understand a particular story, thus, this power the media holds carves within people’s minds and shapes their perceptions. Although news reporters must remain bias towards the stories they present, most media outlets tend to lean towards a preferred side, which affects the public’s understanding. Consequently, much of the responsibility falls on media owners to portray the right image and remain bias to in their representations. Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright (2009) discuss that “Representation refers to the use of language …show more content…

American culture through media has always presented stereotype in Hollywood movies. These stereotype presentations are depicted in the literature, theater, and many media platforms. Often, these presentations show negative notions regarding many cultures, therefore, these stereotypes have had great effects on numerous generations.

Lippmann (2012) argues that we have developed a pattern where we do not question or analyze opinions when we read or talk, thus our decisions are made with barely any need to look for better ideas. He also argues that we do not become interested nor want to initiate new opinions (ibid). This relates to the reality we live in today, watching movies and TV shows has become a favored way of entertainment, and what people observe regularly goes

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