Media Bias Analysis

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As we know today that media plays a big role in controlling a society and influence people’s minds. It takes great skills form the news reporter to make people believe in something or convincing them of what they present. They use all kinds of techniques to present a news towards the public. There are all kind of news reporting media channels now a days. Some of them are unbiased and some are extremely biased. Biased media channels portray or fabricate news to convince people in a way they want. Unbiased media presents the facts and let the public decide. All kind of media exist or serve a certain kind audience. For example, Fox News is very biased when it comes to political issues, they promote biased reporting and comment against the Democratic Party. Another example, MSNBC has been accused of being supporting the Democratic Party. Every news story is examined with different angles by every reporter. For example, if the sports player is injured, one reporter will report it as injury occurred to the player and the other reporter might report it as impact on the team because of the its player injury. Media Channels I have selected are is Fox News (cable/ satellite) and CBS News (broad casting networks). The top stories I selected from CBS News are following: American ISIS member being interviewed by FBI, Paris attacker captured in Belgium, and Congress blasts Michigan …show more content…

To me CBS reporters were better than the Fox News reporters, because Fox News reporters were biased and unfair while interviewing and reporting news. Fox News Reporters are very active in social media like such as twitter to repeat the same stories or news and their biased comment repeatedly. While CBS news broad cast are not trying prove their own point as hardly as compare to FOX News reporters which I