Stereotypes Of Teenagers In The Outsiders

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How have shows and movies about teenagers through different time periods impacted how real teenagers have changed?

How teenagers are seen in movies and TV shows has changed significantly over past decades to what fits with the current stereotypes and standards. The first time that being a teenager was ‘popularised’ was during the 1950s, when youths aged 13-19 wanted to be unique, and unlike the older generations. They turned to rock and roll music, younger television shows, and movies to distance themselves from being involved with the culture of their parents.

This compared to teenagers in the 80s and 90s when there was a large uprising of rebellion and angst. There was a rise in the use of drugs and alcohol among teenagers, …show more content…

Most were viewed as rebellious, misunderstood, and judgemental. The main characters, ‘Greasers’ came from low-class backgrounds and were struggling to fit into society. They were perceived as heavily troublesome and were judged severely on their appearance and social status. The movie and novel show that these teenagers are more capable than adults think. Their negative perception in the movie caused the perception of teenagers to change. After the movie was released, adults began seeing teenagers as violent and heavily involved with alcohol. Since the movie was released in the 80s, most people were trying to act like the Greasers to seem different, and it was not a very big change from their original personalities - rebellion, trouble, and …show more content…

It showed that teenagers were not just one-dimensional stereotypes, but complex individuals with unique personalities and struggles. The movie also dealt with serious issues that teenagers face, such as peer pressure, identity, and family problems. One of the main ways that THe Breakfast Club has changed how real-life teenagers are seen is by fighting stereotypes of teenager experiences. The movie shows teenagers as unique individuals with different experiences and perspectives that all deserve