
Stereotypes Of The Cowboy Research Paper

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Dirty, drug addicts, and criminals. Homeless are seen as far worse than just that. Although they are not really what they seem. Do people just judge by appearance because that is how the human race was raised or is it because secretly they know the truth? Misconceptions and stereotypes are important when it comes to first impressions and learning about the realities of life. Both stereotypes and misconceptions are similar, but there are noticeable differences too. Stereotyping is putting people in groups that are based on a widely held truth but is exaggerated to some degree. Misconceptions, however, are formed by stereotypes and viewed as incorrect. Society tends to uses stereotypes and misconceptions in their everyday life. From the guy …show more content…

Not everyone is who they perceive to be. Stereotypes and misconceptions cause the human race to be labeled in groups and not as people, it needs to change.
The human race just has the habit to put individuals in a certain group. It is seen all throughout media outlets and even in movies. Gretel Ehrlich herself writes, “ In other words, this macho, cultural artifact the cowboy has become is simply a man who possesses resilience, patience, and an instinct for survival”. She herself said that culturally, the cowboy is known to be strong and bold although not all are. Due to the fact that many are strongly confident in their character, cowboys fit that stereotype. Used to categorize people, stereotypes are based on truth but is most likely exaggerated. One infers that a person has a wide range of characteristics and abilities assumed of that group. The best way to describe this would be when someone were to think of a nerd or geek at school. They are quickly put in as “smart” or “they work with technology”. The most basic way to state it well is that one puts a person in a certain group or category. Although do not get this mixed up with a misconception. Misconceptions are based on untruths and viewed as incorrect. …show more content…

Homeless people are drug addicts. Homeless people are weak. Homeless people are criminals. When one sees a homeless person in the streets begging for money the first thought in many minds is that they are in layman's terms, lazy. A homeless individual by definition is a person without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets. Even worse, they are seen as drug addicts that want money to buy more drugs or alcohol. “About 38% of the homeless abuse alcohol” according to Michael's House Treatment. Almost half of the homeless are alcoholics. Other than being able to take care of themselves they make the streets of a city look bad and having homeless on busy streets does not help the city grow. This is causing the city to put down spikes and pavement to make sure homeless do not sleep under bridges. Daily Mail writes it best “Sharp concrete spikes are cropping up under China's city bridges in a bid to stop homeless people from sleeping there”. Stating that they have to set down large “20cm” spikes to stop the homeless from sleeping in under their main bridges. Some of the misconceptions people have of the homeless include: “Homeless are just criminals that deserve to be on the streets. They obviously had to do something rather terrible if they ended up on the streets with no help. They are unsanitary and do not deserve the hard earned money made by fellow community members. Why don’t they get a job and get their stuff together?” Granting all

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