
Stereotypes Of The Medi How Media Changes People

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How Media Changes Us Anca Mihalca Community College of Aurora Having all these advertisements around me and seeing so many pictures everywhere I look, I have the feeling that I need to reach some expectations that the media is creating. It affects me and my actions, because I tend to buy whatever is trendy at a certain moment, without even needing it. The problem is that this phenomena captures everyone and it is really difficult to swim against the current. Everyone is guilty, and it starts from an early age. In a way, it shapes us as customers and it dictates what we are going to purchase. In order to better understand how media changes people, one must examine when the influence started, what damage it can cause to the body and who is affected. It all starts at an early age. Children are so innocent and they are not even aware of what is happening. They see a commercial and they request the product from the parents. To satisfy the child, the parent will buy the item. It is very easy to trick the kids. They are the future costumers, after all. They imitate what they see and they may choose a wrong person as a …show more content…

In the past, they were the ones in power and the head of the family. They made women work at home, taking care of the house and of the children. Advertisements gave men the “permission” to beat up their wives in order to show how masculine they are and who is the stronger sex. Even now, little boys are made look brutal and powerful. The message is to intimidate women and to show who is in control. Everything leads to the fact that women must obey their rules or desires. The equality between men and women is absent. They tend to show viewers that men are superior to women. Women are known to be discriminated when it comes to owning better jobs or being paid as much as men are. The commercials only emphasize this silent problem and they make it more acceptable and more normal

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