Stereotypes Of The Others Essay

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I would say "the others" in our society, as Americans, would be anything that resembles a Islamic person. Also, another example of "the others" in our society could be anyone that just isn't in the norm of our religion. People that look different such as Hindu's, Jews, or Tao people. The best way to treat something like this and figure out a way to stop the negative beliefs is to practice what you preach. Most religions have a golden rule or some sort of variation of it. If we treat anyone and everyone the way we want to be treated and stop stereotyping them that is when we will stop seeing such negative behavior towards one another.

The reason that outsiders have difficulties with "chosen people", jews, is because they feel inferior to them. Being that they are God's chosen people many humans feel as if they are being treated unfairly and that they won't ever get that treatment. Jews do not also believe in Jesus and many people may not see how it is fair that they are the chosen ones and don't even believe in God's son. However, many do not understand that Judaism is not a race, it is a religion. You could be a part of the "chosen people" if you went through the lengthy process to become a Jew. Jews in theory could be hated too, because they were the ones who killed Jesus. To sum it all up "outsiders" just hate Jews, because they are different. …show more content…

Muhammed actually stated 6 rights for Muslims to follow for their fellow peers. There are many statements about how you should greet people and mannerisms according to Muhammad. Muhammad and his teachings summed up is to be considerate to everyone. The book of Romans in the Bible is a declaration of God's grace towards men. The obligation of Christian people is to show the same grace to others as Jesus shows to us. Christians also have an obligation to tell others about Jesus and to get ready and help people get ready for Christ to