Stereotypes Of The Working Poor

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The working poor are working individuals whose livelihoods fall beneath a given destitution line 7% of the total work force
14% of Blacks; 14% of Hispanics; 6% of Whites; 5% of Asians
8% of women; 6% of men
21% of the labor force with less than a high school diploma; 9% of high school graduates with no college education; 5% for those with an associate’s degree and 2% for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher
Most likely young: rates were highest for 16 to 19 year olds (13%) and 20 to 24 year olds (14%)
16% of part-time workers; 4% for those employed full-time

They are fronting common fights to keep jobs, and make ends meet, find affordable housing, arranging transportation to and from work, buying basic necessities, spacing childcare