Stereotypes Of Women In The Book Of Margery Kempe

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Women being categorized onto an on going list of stereotypes put a negative perspective on their physical and mental state. Through generations, women have been known as being weak such as following the rules of the bread maker and completing tasks that do not take complex thinking. Men have always been viewed as being the superior to women while never having an opportunity to voice their rights and thoughts. Through this day, being a women and following the stereotypes that are placed in society have continued to be controversial. It is just until the past century or two where being a women and standing up for yourself or making yourself different from others has become a major trend. However, in earlier centuries where rights were so limited for women, someone named Margery Kempe rose …show more content…

Margery Kempe, in The Book of Margery Kempe, uses maternal expectations, voice of opinion, and saintly female models to define the social norms of a female in the 14th century by protesting society’s views on women.

The 14th century was a time for stay at home mothers who did housework and tendered to the needs to the children and husband. Margery Kempe had her first child then continues to have 13 others. After the birth of her first child, she claims that she sees the devil around her. ““When this creature was 20 years of age or somewhat more she was married to a worshipful Burgess and was with child within a short time as nature would. And after she had conceived she was labored with great attacks of illness until the child was born and then what for the labor she had an childing and for the sickness going before she despaired of her life thinking she might not live. And then she sent for her ghostly father for she had a thing in conscious what she had never shown before that time in all her life. For she was ever hindered by her enemy the devil evermore seeing to her that while she was in good health she needed