Sterilization Society: A Short Story

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Camille hadn’t been sleeping well at all. For the past weeks, she felt a hole in her chest that produced fear. She felt hollow and afraid. She had repeatedly dreamt of holding a baby in her arms that looked almost identical to her husband Tobias, but as the days went by, the dream progressed into a nightmare. The babies face would turn into a black, gooey substance in her arms, that would burn her flesh, and devour her skin and bones. She would always wake up before the liquid would reach her chest. She would wake up panicking and crying for help, and to Tobias face full of anguish. Camille would never let Tobias know what the dream was about, she knew it had to do with the fact that she longed for a child of her own. And no not the ones they built in the city halls, she wants one grown out of love. When Tobias asks her what the nightmare was about she dismisses it and just says it’s nothing important. She could never let him know what the dream is about, it would give too much away, Tobias would report her, and have her sterilized immediately, at least that’s what she fears, but she has a great reason for it. …show more content…

Camille is turning twenty-five soon and he knows he has to sterilize her. The idea doesn’t cause him any concern, he supports the whole idea of Z-town to have babies built instead of conceived because at the end of the day, the less people, the more resources are available to them. Tobias is incredibly selfish in that sense, he pours greed and lives to be the best doctor in Z-town, he has already been recognized for being the best sterilizer, his patient's chances of having a baby are now almost non-existent, unlike any other. Not to mention the fact that since his career started at the age of twenty, he hasn’t had any patient who’s needed to have an abortion. All other doctors have, he’s just simply the best at what he