Steroids Should Be Banned Persuasive Essay

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Astonishingly, eighty-five percent of the students athletes who take steroids as a boost you might say have no idea what the side effects are of these harmful steroids or performance enhancing drugs knows as PED’s. So there is most likely kids in our school and schools all over the world taking steroids and they have no idea what they’re getting themselves into. How would you feel if you lost a good friend over drugs because they had no idea what they were getting themselves into? And only nine percent of high schools enforce an annual drug test on the student athletes. According to a group of people named Atlas which study the effects of steroids or other drugs to teenage bodies or even adults. Their studies show that the more teenagers attend …show more content…

Some teenagers take steroids just to lose weight to change how they look because they feel uncomfortable with their body. Only nine percent of schools make their student athletes take an annual drug test. Only nine percent, I’d say that is a big problem. That means all the other high schools that do not enforce the drug test have an advantage over the teams that don’t enforce the drug test. So the teenagers feel free to do whatever they want and not face any consequences. I recommend that more drug tests are enforced or somehow students are informed more about the drugs. Mostly for their well-being and fairness in sports. And to try to make schools make a rule that if an athlete fails the test, they must take a class that educates them about steroids. If the student athletes don’t learn about the dangers of steroids and they continue to use the drug many long term consequences are more than likely to appear. They affect the brain causing random mood changes and changes in behavior which can lead to other consequences. Even though steroids are not the same as other drugs because they do not cause the same high, but they can still become very