The chief of Metro Nashville Police Department is Steve Anderson. Anderson has been the chief of the department since 2010 and a member of the department for since 2010 and a member of the department for 39 years having worked his way up the ranks (Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, 2015). There are several instances in the last few years where Anderson’s leadership styles and qualities have been apparent. When there was civil unrest and riots in Ferguson and other cities across the nation, Nashville was also the scene of protests relating to the ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ movement. When protestors took to the streets of Nashville on a cold November evening and shutdown traffic by blocking Interstate 24, Anderson had police take coffee …show more content…
Anderson is more of a leader than a manager. On the leadership grid Anderson would be classified as a team administrator. He gets the job done and has the best interests of his officers at heart. Anderson has many of the traits listed by Cronkhite (2013). He has vision for his department and is intelligent. He is also astute at gaining support of the community while maintaining support from his officers. By not arrested protestors when they caused the closure of a major interstate, Anderson was able to engage the support of the minority community that will yield enormous dividends for the department. Anderson also shows empathy with the community which is a critical skill (Cronkhite, …show more content…
(2015). Charlie Beck. Retrieved from
Cronkhite, C. L. (2013). Law enforcement and justice administration: Strategies for the 21st century. (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Donegan, B. (2014). Nashville police chief refuses to crack down on Ferguson protesters, no violence ensues. Retrieved from
Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. (2015). Retrieved from
Tamburin, A. (2004, December 24). Nashville police chief Steve Anderson leads with steady hand. The Tennessean. Retrieved from
Thornton, P. (2014, July 14). Charlie Beck 's prolific pen: A look back at the LAPD chief 's letters. The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from