Stimulative And Sedative Music Analysis

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Dementia is a degenerative condition which causes problems in expressing basic needs and being understood. Music has been a treatment for elder patients for over 2,000 years. After WWI and WWII many community musicians went to military hospitals around the country to play for the thousands of injured veterans. Many doctors began to request the hiring of patients in hospitals. In 1998, The American Music Therapy Association was founded. Many doctors have found that music can be a useful tool with many people, including elders with dementia. Music affects patients with dementia in many ways by causing memory recall, changing moods and helping them communicate to others. Music has been known to help patients with dementia recall memories from …show more content…

In many clinical studies with patients with dementia, many patients had reduced depression, lessened agitation, and increased movement, when played familiar and likeable music ( a Place for Mom, 2015). Stimulative music and sedative music also cause changes in moods for patients. Stimulative music activates and promotes movement, while sedative music is used when preparing for bed or any change in routine that might cause agitation (Alicia Ann Clair, 2015). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain. According to Alissa Sauer in his article “Music Therapy Enhancing Cognition” (2014), while listening to music, dopamine is released, and sends pleasure signals to the rest of the body. Alissa Sauer (2014) goes on to say that music has been known to calm people down and provide stress release. This has been going on for centuries. Music evokes emotion even in the most advanced patients with dementia. Neurologist Oliver Sacks states that, “Music evokes emotion, and emotion can bring with it memory… it brings back the feeling of life when nothing else can” (Alissa Sauer, 2014). Music creates many new feelings for patients with dementia, and causes patients to change moods. Patients seem to be much happier after listening to music. Music creates many new emotions and moods for patients with dementia no matter how far into the most advanced …show more content…

Music is being used by many people and in many ways. Music affects many different people, not only patients with dementia. Different people react to music in many different ways. Music has many benefits and is powerful to many patients with dementia. Many patients with dementia become depressed and have no hope left, but when music is introduced they seem to feel alive again and enjoy life. Music brings many powerful emotions and seems to help liven people. Music sometimes may be seen as a lifesaver to patients who seem to think they have no way to escape the disease. Music is the escape for many patients with dementia, and is very powerful if used