Stoichiometry Lab Report

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The labs, activities, and quizzes we have accomplished in class have taught me how electrons affect the shape of a molecule, how to predict the products of chemical reactions, and how balanced equations are used in stoichiometric calculations. The molecular geometry pogil, types of chemical reactions pogil, and the stoichiometric quiz 1 helped me understand the questions above. The electrons affect the shape of a molecule because how many electrons there are. There are many different shapes of molecular geometry. For example, in the molecular geometry pogil when there is two elements attached to one that is in the middle of them it could be either bent or linear. The bent shape comes when the molecule in the middle has extra electrons on the outside which pushes the the attached molecules closer together. The shape is linear when the middle element has its electrons filled by bonded electrons and the attached elements have the extra electrons on the outside. Model 1 shows the different shapes of molecular geometry. Model 2 shows the different shapes in 3-dimensions. Model 4 shows where the electrons are in the compound, the shape of the …show more content…

The equation must be balanced in order to get the correct amount of the elements in the reaction to find out what is limiting or excess. The stoichiometry quiz 1 we took in class shows that you have to first balance the equation, find the limiting and excess reactants, then find the percent yield. When balancing an equation one has to follow the law of conservation of mass. So however much the equation starts out with is how much the equation needs to end with. “The law of conservation of matter states that matter can be neither created nor destroyed.” The atoms may have different partners or exist in a different physical state, but each atom must be present (Gothard and