Stone Funding Group Essay

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Stone Funding Group specializes in the process of making business loans. They offer a wide variety of lending options because they understand that no business has the same needs when it comes to working capital. Stone Funding Group is different because they are not a bank. They take a different approach to assessing the risk associated with commercial lending, which allows them to provide viable alternatives to traditional bank loan products. The funds they provide take into account your company's cash flow rather than its history of paying back loans and other obligations on time. This makes it perfect for small companies with limited credit histories and assets as well as those that have been traditionally shunned by the mainstream lending community. It doesn't matter if your business has been denied for a bank loan or by other …show more content…

They believe that no matter what your past or current situation is, your business has the potential to grow and are willing to fund that opportunity. They understand that some businesses have limited to no credit history and trying to find financing while operating a business is tough. Stone Funding Group offers these business owners and many more the opportunity to secure fast financing so that they can go back to running their business. At Stone Funding Group, you won't have to worry about coming up with a large amount of documentation or facing a mountain of qualifying criteria. Stone Funding Group understands that financing options are dwindling by the day and getting approved for one of the more traditional ones has become nearly impossible thanks to the shift in more conservative underwriting models. Businesses have struggled finding adequate financing to grow their businesses thanks to poor credit scores earned during the most recent economic

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