
Stop Obesity Persuasive Essay

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State your research question
How can we stop obesity within our next generation and increase the mortality rate utilizing less judgmental methods?
Present Information in a neutral tone detailing the background and importance of the issue
The CDC (Centers for Disease Concerns and Prevention) presents various reliable and scientific information about obesity; as the title of the organization presents an overall thesis, the prevention is the key to this article’s main idea.
Paragraph One
There is nothing that people can do to stop obesity. Several news organizations, businesses fail to inform the public about obesity without making it nondiscriminatory. Certain people, who may in fact be obese or know someone who is, feel that it is offensive and incomprehensible and that that media portrays this as being the worse thing that’s ever happened in the US, or even in the world. There are certain cultures—like the Japanese culture—that inspire society with Sumo wrestler as a sport. An article …show more content…

There should be more effort to put a stop to obesity to include healthcare assistance, employer assistance, and other benefits. It should not be a question of discrimination—even though that obese people are often discriminated on—but it should be a subject of open statements towards health and motivational exercise. According to Modifiable Environmental Obesity Risk Factors Among Elementary School Children In A Mexico-US Border City, children in the US-American border are at risk for obesity. It even shows several graphs and studies. This could be used for mathematical and even scientific support of the issue. The reasoning behind this statement is that obesity has increased over the last few years and must be prevented to the maximum to help the next generation live a healthy life—even if that incudes healthy, overweight and obese people to not face any

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