Stop The Crime For Young People And Racial Offense

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My I have a dream life story stop the crime for young people and racial offense.
I have a dream life is stop the crime of young people and the racial offense going on. In order to stop the criminal things and racial we have to come together and help out. The kids we should help are the ones we see on a daily basic. Young people in this world are killing, stealing, and doing drugs in this world. In this world every day someone dies or getting locked up and we need to try to help them.
DR. Martin Luther King stated that he had a dream that little, black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and with girls as sisters and brothers. The reason why I choose the quote because the people now days are still …show more content…

If present trends continue, 1 of every 4 African American males born this decade can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, despite the fact that the Census Bureau reports that the U.S. is 13 percent Black, 61 percent white and 17 percent Latino. The “race” talk is a good process of why they should join hands is like the “sex” talk. You want them to get the most accurate information possible, from the start. Providing children with a proper internal narrative is a great coping mechanism. Shame breeds in secret and denial. It’s okay to feel sad, scared, or angry. It’s a normal part of journeying on the path of life. I am trying to establish from the start that it’s okay to have questions, and he is free to ask anything, any time. I can’t prevent the hurt, but will try and guide him in the direction that healing will be found.To the conclusion of 88%, crimes are started because of racism. We need to find a way to help others stop the crime. We could put groups together because some of our words could help them change this is my dream. To change and help those that’s, having problems to change. One day the message we give them they possibly go help someone else that’s in need. I trust and believe what we do can help others if we believe it. Stop the crime for young people and racism offense need to start today