
Stop Thinking And Just Eat By Ashlie Stevens

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The article written by Ashlie Stevens titled Stop Thinking and Just Eat: When 'Food Adventuring' Trivializes Cultures published on The Guardian website in year 2015 talks about how the popularization of food and lead an exposure of the origin of the food. On the other hand, the article written by Lavanya Ramanathan titled Why Everyone Should Stop Calling Immigrant Food ‘Ethnic’ published on The Washington Post website in the same year talks about how people stereotype ethnic food based on their origin. Both articles discuss the relationship between food and culture however, Stevens’ article is more credible as her credentials as a food journalist is more impeccable and her article was well-written with good grasp of knowledge, tone and language. …show more content…

Stevens applied her skill in logos in paragraph 16 where she quoted a PhD candidate in food studies pertaining to food and culture which is relevant and supports the main point of this article. Similarly, Ramanathan has also exerted her skill in logos by quoting experts to support her claim that people see ethnic food as cheap and lowly. This is shown in paragraphs 12 and 13 where she quoted two university professors who specialize in food studies. Since both authors have used evidence which is relevant and supports their claim, they have successfully attempted to use logos to appeal to their readers hence, there is a tie in this component. In other words, both articles are credible if we judge purely based on logos. However, there are many factors that contributes to the credibility of articles which will be elaborated

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