
Story Drawings Of Children Parley Analysis

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Barrs’ analysis of story drawings of children suggests that children do use drawings to communicate their stories as they find it to be a powerful and an easy tool to be manipulated. According to her children can express more through drawings as a medium as compared to writing. She placed children’s drawings along with its verbal description central to development of symbolic thinking and imagination that children create. Certain gender differences were also found in drawings of children for example girls drew stories largely based on butterflies, house, garden, birds etc. Whereas drawings of boys also depicted violent acts, ghosts/demons, revengeful actions, action cartoons or figures, guns etc. Paley (1984) explored issues of stereotypical …show more content…

It was a common sight to see children sharing stories from the ones that were depicted through charts or posters on the walls of their classrooms. They never read out the story but narrated the same in their own words and sometimes used the drawings as cues and constructed their own stories, but never missed the opportunity to share a story with the group. All classrooms had a display of many stories on the walls of the state-run schools but not all were shared with the students. In one such classroom there was only a pictorial description of a story “Chuskit goes to school”. I knew this story beforehand and shared with the children. They took utmost interest in the story and liked it too. The process did not stop there. The children enthusiastically told that they would share the story with their class teacher and other subject teachers as well. This response reaffirmed my belief as to how important it was for them to be heard, and this further respects their agency. If storytelling is a regular component in the classroom, children would get ample opportunities to listen and share the stories they heard. The prospect of sharing these with another audience would not make the story an “untold story” (Ramanujan, …show more content…

In one such instance, one of the teachers from a state-run school insisted that a class II child should pick up her bag as “गुरु शिष्य से सेवा करवा सकता है” (a teacher can make a pupil work for him). In another instance, a class IV teacher from SRS2 had a view that “बच्चों को कहानियां पसंद आती हैं लेकिन इनको तो बिना सर पैर की कहानियां पसंद हैं”( children like to listen to stories but these children only like meaningless stories). He would immediately go out on seeing me entering the class by saying, “अब आप छुट्टी तक यहीं रहेंगी बीच में नहीं जा सकती” (now you will have to stay in the class till the end of the day, and cannot leave in

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