Story Of The Galveston Hurricane

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Swish, drop, wish those are the sound of a horrible storm that will blow you away. A wet storm that happened in Galveston, Texas in the Gulf of Mexico.

To begin with, this story is about a wet storm that happens to be a circular is built with wind, rain, and power. A hurricane can reach winds to about 155 mph and only starts if it is by or on wet areas. The hurricane can destroy anything in it’s path and will not slow down until the wind and storm cools down. Hurricanes can reach all the way, from 10 feet tall to 20 feet tall.

However, The Galveston hurricane attack on September,8th, 1900 was one of the worst hurricane storms ever. The Galveston hurricane attack was one of the deadliest attack and that hurricane went to 150 mph with a height of 15 feet tall. One of the Local U.S. Weather Bureau climatologist, Isaac Cline was the man who had the hurricane job as his mission and he was determined to find a way how to stop hurricanes from coming. …show more content…

More than 8,000 people died in the disaster. Luckily, on top of all of that danger there is another one about a mom who just moved to Galveston and then was pregnant and got drawn into the hurricane and then launched into the top of a cottage, in all of that worry luckily she survived the hit and then had the newborn a couple weeks after the disaster hit.

In conclusion, the Galveston hurricane attack was a horrible thing. Thankfully, now the workers and people in Galveston, Texas are trying to keep the disaster