Strain Theory In American History X

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We were told that this theory is too broad because it explains everything and yet explains nothing. The question of which came first the chicken, or the egg conception is the same of learning is too simplistic. Do we truly learn from those who are closest to us who else can we learn from? We should ask the all-time question, “Why don’t we commit crime?” not why do we. We ask a question which came first the peer of the delinquent with selection perspective youth, selects their peers based on their own delinquency or delinquent attitudes. The socialization perspective with peer influence involvement attitudes and what are possible relationships criminal associations criminal definitions which lead to crime. This is a macro level theory on …show more content…

The crime was committed by a man named Derek Vinyard, a white supremacist. He murdered two black gang members after they attempted to steal his truck. If we look closely at the case of Derek Vinyard, we can see that the crime he committed weren’t just a spur-of-the moment thought of killing someone. The actions were rooted deep into his past, wherein his experiences have shaped him into the person that he was today. Certain aspects of his past have influenced his actions, including his environment, the companions that he keeps, his experiences, and a lot …show more content…

Merton. The theory states that society puts pressure on individuals to achieve socially accepted goals (such as the American dream) though they lack the means, this leads to strain which may lead the individuals to commit crimes. Two major concerns in strain theory are the sources of the strain, stress or how people adapt to the strain. Positivism are theories of social and structure are strain theories. We see that this theory is also a macro level theory. Mertain addressed strain (anomie) while Messnger addressed institutional anomie in strain theories. I would use this alternative to explain the behaviors in American history x because strain examines the issues on why and how we deal with strain in life. Mertain believed we are born bad and in the movie the attitudes of the racist brothers and their feeling of superiority over other minorities. Mertain explains there are 5 modes that we adapt to. We are either conformists, innovators, ritualists, retreatists, or rebels. In the movie there were defiantly rebels and I think I can even say ritualists and retreatists on some