Strange Fruit Poem Analysis

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Throughout the years the way of acting upon opinions has changed whether it be for better or worse. Between TKAM, Strange Fruit, and the McDonald case article all have examples of social in justice, specifically racism and all the uproars of the negativity racism gives to people and their the evilness of their behavior. Each source has every way of trying to show the realness behind the negativity of racism. TKAMB has a negative overlook on white to black racism and how rudely and disgustingly they choose to treat a color other than their own but it teaches the reader that it isn 't fair to mistreat others or use them to help yourself which is selfish and wrong which is also shown in the McDonald case. But, in the Strange Fruit poem it is more …show more content…

So, in the song Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday is a racism protest song which is all based on actions that were put on blacks from the whites by lynching, abusing, etc. “Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck” (3 Holiday). This quote is using the crows as significance of the whites and how they are mistreating the “fruit” aka the blacks and are “plucking them” which in better terms is just using them and hurting them both physically and emotionally but more importantly in this piece physically. Another piece of evidence from the song is,“Strange fruit hangin ' from the poplar trees.” (1 Holiday). What Holiday was trying to express in this lyric was talking about the lynching of the blacks by the whites and how because the blacks are “different” from the whites because of the racism between them, they are seen as “strange fruit” and not necessarily real people or not seen as weird and unimportant to them and anyone else that is a different skin …show more content…

Not only are songs and articles written all the time but so are books on the ways of racism and To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the most popular, most famous books about the world of racism. It speaks about how the blacks are not as important as the whites and how it 's uncommon and ¨inhuman¨ of any of the white community to at all stick up or help any of the blacks. "You know the truth, the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men cannot be trusted around women, black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men." (217 Lee). Atticus is trying to say how that blacks have a bad reputation for themselves but, not all blacks are bad and it 's not fair for them to be treated like they aren 't as important as the whites when really it 's just a race of color and they are just people of the same human race as any other white male in their town and trying to teach his children to not be taken by the opinions of others and to understand right from wrong. In another part of the book it says, "They 're certainly entitled to think that, and they 're entitled to full respect for their opinions, but before I can live with other folks I 've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn 't abide by majority rule is a person 's conscience." (114 Lee). This sentence is saying that whites may have a different opinion on the black community, but as any fellow human it is his job to be able to protect someone