Strength Of The Role Of Informatics In Public Health

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Informatics and Public Health The use of informatics in public health supports the surveillance and management of communicable diseases and chronic diseases in a multitude of ways. In the article “Strengthening Public Health and Primary Care Collaboration Through Electronic Health Records” published in the American Journal of Public Health, the contributing authors explore specific examples as well as general possibilities of how electronic health records (EHRs) can work with public health departments and primary care providers (PCPs) to support disease management. In this essay I will describe some of the findings of this article to explain the strength of the role of informatics in disease management.

Informatics in Public Health As the …show more content…

One program that is becoming very well talked about is the adoption of the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) Program. The NFP program was developed by David Olds, a medical doctor and professor of pediatrics, psychiatry, and preventative medicine at the University of Colorado in the 1970s. The NFP Program focuses on improving pregnancy outcomes by obtaining quality prenatal care, improving child health and development and improving families’ economic self-sufficiency. The program boasts a number of proven results included increases in household income, reduction in behavioral problems, and increases in breastfeeding. To participate in the program interested first-time parents must apply using a referral form. Sacramento County also recently launched a new health data site, “Be Healthy Sacramento”, to share health data with residents and outline goals for the county. Some of the goals outlined include reducing chronic disease rates, raising the number of people covered by healthcare, and raising the number of people with a clearly established primary care