Strengths And Weaknesses Of Anne Frank

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Bravery. Courage. Strength. These are all needed to help survive what Anne has gone through. Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl that had lived in Frankfurt, Germany, and also Amsterdam. She had been through alot but still found a way through it. Hitler had treated Jewish people, along with Anne and her family, with a lot of disrespect and that made many people very mad. To begin with, Anne Frank was born on June 12th, 1929 in Frankfurt Germany. In 1933 after Hitler won the election,the children went along with Edith to stay at their grandmothers. Otto had stayed in Frankfurt, but later on he had gotten a job offer to start a company in Amsterdam. He had created the company and called it Opekta works. After Otto had moved to Amsterdam, his wife and his two kids joined him. Anne had been put into a Montessori school where she favored writing, as she was really good at it. Margot …show more content…

The Franks had planned to go into hiding on July 16th, 1942, but Margot received a work order for July 5th. Because of this, the family had to move the plan 10 days forward. Anne had given her close belongings, that she could not take, to her close friends. The Franks had officially gone into hiding on July 6th,1942. Only several trusted people knew about the Franks. These people helped the Franks survive while in hiding. They had supplied them with food and catered all their needs. These very trusted people also brought news of the “outside world.” They had done this knowing that there would be a death penalty if caught. On the 13th of July, 1942, the Franks were joined by the Van Pels family. Anne had got together with Peter Van Pels, and a romance started. Nobody else had gotten along with each other. Later on,Fritz Pfeffer had joined them, creating a very full and crowded space. The Franks went into hiding knowing that they would either get caught, or the war would end, and be set