
Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles Of Confederation

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The Articles of Confederation is defined as the first written constitution of the United States which was ratified on March 1, 1781. I will be discussing the strengths and weakness interwoven in the articles of confederation which is comprised of terms agreed by the thirteen new states (Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island) To engage in a centralized form of government whilst each state retained the liberty of self-rule which encompasses "sovereignty, freedom and independence." There are seven strengths and ten weaknesses within the article that I will be elaborating. The first strength of the articles of confederation …show more content…

Encompassed within the power congress wielded was the ability to avow war, institute peace and sign treaties such as September 3, 1783: The Peace Treaty of Paris 1783 which established and validated the terms of peace between the United States and Great Britain. The third strength inscribed in the articles of confederation accredited congress the power to supervise and manage the affair of the native Indians. The said superintendents shall attend to the execution of such regulations as Congress shall from time to time establish, respecting Indian affairs. They shall have authority to place deputies among the several tribes and to remove all or any of them for misbehavior, and also grant licenses to traders. The fourth strength proclaimed in the articles of confederation focused on the salient issue of military affairs. The Articles of Confederation acceded the notion for the Congressional direction of the Continental Army. The enactment of this article was conceived as a tool to create a centralized war-making government which enabled states to exhibit a coalesce front when encountering European …show more content…

States were given the liberty to enforce tariffs on trading activity hosted between states. The third weakness etched in the articles of confederation, which is often perceived as the paramount weakness which leads to the inevitable failure of a centralized government, the national government failed to implement an efficacious taxing system. The government was void of power to implement to tax. The revenue generated came from the states, each contributing according to the value of privately owned land within its borders. The fourth weakness affirmed in the articles of confederation is the national governments failure to enforce the states to adhere to the laws and notices for taxation. The government’s inability to impose the compliance of the laws which included taxation as a result of this negligence the government economy was impecunious. The fifth weakness averred in the articles of confederation was the absence of a national army or navy, consequently, a country militant force is significant to its holistic development. "This We'll Defend" US Army Motto The sixth weakness revealed in the articles of confederation the system of a national court was

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