Structural Change For High School Research Paper

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“There is always time for change” If there was any way I could make one significant structural change to my school it would be to separate the buildings that are the high school and the middle school. First, there would be longer lunches because the hallway that connects the two buildings would be no more. That would make so much more free space because the hallway right now is like a highway. Second, there would also be less or even no high school interference because the lunch room is on the high school side, it would not disturb them if the buildings were separated. Last but not least, encores could be accessed more easily because of the occurrence the buildings be separate. As can be seen, if I could make one significant structural change to my school it would be to separate the high school and the middle school sides. First of all, the middle schools have thirty minute lunches but by the time it takes them to even get to the lunch room, it is pretty much time to go. With the sides that are the high school and the middle school this problem would not occur. Coming back from lunch is as bad as going to it but if the buildings were separate, most kids would not be late for class as they are now. This would also act as a plus for teachers as their time would be increased by just a couple of minutes. After …show more content…

The process, however, could also prevent bullying and make a safe environment for all kids alike. Some high school classes are at the middle school side and that creates distractions for the young middle school students, eager to inspect and look at it, will be more interested in that than what the teacher is trying to teach. All in all, if the high school and middle school side were separated these distractions and bullying occurrences would not

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