Examples Of Stoicism In Julius Caesar

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The play Julius Caesar is about conspirators who plan to kill Caesar for the good of the people but instead cause a whole battle on the actions. The play focuses on mainly two of the conspirator Brutus and Cassius who believe in different things. Brutus is stoic and Cassius is epicurean. Stoicism is and Euperiunism are two different things but still brought the mean together. Stoicism is selflessness and epicureanism is selfishness. In the play Julius Caesar the philosophies of stoicism and epicureanism are highlighted throughout the play, in which we see how it influences the characters, Brutus and Cassius when they kill Caesar and eventually die for those beliefs. The beliefs stoicism and epicurean play an important part in the play Julius Caesar. These beliefs are the ones who help in Brutus’s and Cassius’s decision making. Brutus ideals follow the ways of stoicism. Stoicism is the philosophy that teaches to use virtue, good, and knowledge. This philosophy teaches people to live in the best way ever filled with learning to live in harmony and reason. Epicureanism is the philosophy of restrained kindness mental pleasure is better that physical, and it is a form of hedonism it expresses pleasure to be its sole essential goal, the idea is that absence of pain and fear composes the greatest pleasure, and a way to a simple life. In act 1 scene 2 Brutus asked Cassius,” Into what dangers would you lead me, Cassius, That you would have me seek into myself for that which is