Stubbornness can convey determination or intolerance, while aggression connotes strength or lack of compassion. In either case, the answer changes based on one’s perspective. However, perspective is more than just a point of view; it influences a person’s decisions and actions, which might lead to distressing consequences. In Purple Hibiscus, an African novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the plot revolves around the conflict of diverse perspectives. The main characters, Kambili and Jaja, fight against their religious father, Papa, and his enforced radical beliefs surrounding Christianity. One illuminating incident, where Papa finds his children in possession of a “heathen” painting and destroys it, serves as a “window” that allows readers to …show more content…
The prophet in Igbo culture announces that Ikemefuna should be sacrificed for the earth goddess. As a result, the men in the Umuofia clan take Ikemefuna to the Evil Forest and perform the execution. An elder from the clan advises Okonkwo to not involve himself in this execution because Ikemefuna calls him “father.” Despite this, Okonkwo still joins the group to the Evil Forest. As the men walk toward the Evil Forest, their conversation reveals the reason for Okonkwo’s involvement: “the men of Umuofia talked and laughed about the locusts, about their women, and about some effeminate men who had refused to come with them” (Achebe 58). The group derides the people that are considered weak, including the men who did not get involved in the execution as well as women. This reveals that Okonkwo goes on the trip because he does not want to appear effeminate and be laughed at, which suggests he values his reputation greatly. Later in the scene, Okonkwo looks away when a man attacks Ikemefuna, but when Ikemefuna cries for help, Okonkwo slaughters him. This conveys Okonkwo’s internal struggle, which reveals the complexity of his character. Okonkwo is more than just a violent and …show more content…
Chinua Achebe also utilizes palm-wine’s connotative meaning and Okonkwo’s internal conflict to depict the novel’s theme in the murder scene. Purple Hibiscus suggests that the clash of different views might lead to conflicts. Things Fall Apart discloses that the interpretation of violence with power will cause a person to act aggressively and might lead to unwanted consequences. The themes of the two novels are different but related. Perspective is a vital part of a person. Papa’s strict, Catholic beliefs influence him to punish his children and to abhor the Igbo culture, while Kambili and Jaja have a contrasting viewpoint after being exposed to Papa-Nnukwu’s beliefs, causing them to combat Papa’s actions. Similarly, Okonkwo believes strength is violence. His interpretation causes him to kill Ikemefuna. Nwoye, on the other hand, has a distinct outlook. Their difference in perspectives leads to alienation because they can’t understand each other’s actions and the reason behind their actions. Both novels empathize the effect of perspectives, leading each character to make decisions throughout the plot. These decisions affect them significantly, whether it’s the major conflict with Papa and his children or the disconnection with Okonkwo and his