Substance Use And Substance Abuse Essay

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Substance use and HIV association is very common, not only in the United States but around the world. Most of the time substance abusers never think about the odds that they could get HIV or transmit it. More than half of the time substance user do not even know that they are infected with HIV or have the resources to get tested. The most common abused substance that is connected with HIV is illicit drugs. Some examples of illicit drugs are cocaine, poppers, heroin and ketamine. According to, "Illicit drug use has been associated with depression and anxiety, either as part of the withdrawal process or as a consequence of repeated use. This is particularly relevant in the treatment of HIV infection because depression is one …show more content…

Almost all of college or young adult gatherings will include alcohol, alcohol drinking games or drugs. Sadly, this is also a life stage where many young adults tend to have more than one sex partner because they believe that sexual intercourse is "no big deal." One night stands have become a major issue for this generation. The thought of having sexual intercourse with a random stranger that knows nothing about you and you will never see again is very intriguing to some people. Little do you know they could be infected with HIV and you were too high or too drunk to worry about protection. If my roommate or a friend of mine ever told me that they were too high or drunk and may not have used protection I would be extremely disappointed in them. I would be scared for their health and advise them to get tested as soon as possible. Getting tested for HIV or any sexually transmitted disease is always the best way to go if you are any doubts or worries. If my roommate did happen to test positive for HIV, I would be a supportive friend and help her through the process. I would advise her to stop using substances and to inform future

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