
Maya Angelou Still I Rise

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Throughout the course of history, African American people have made tremendous sacrifices to obtain equality and overall success as members of society. Many of these individuals have documented their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through various forms of art and writing. One particularly striking example of this, is a poem written by Maya Angelou titled “Still I Rise”. “Still I Rise” is a poem filled with strength and confidence, revealing Angelou’s character and positive outlook on life despite her previous grievances. Within the poem, Angelou is seemingly speaking to those who do not wish her success and prosperity. Maya Angelou uses the art of the rhetorical question to ensure the reader understands that neither her strength nor sass …show more content…

Unfortunately, solely loving the game is not enough to create success. As time and skill level progress, many players are not able to keep up with the pace, and find that their baseball careers ended earlier than intended. For those who remain dedicated and find themselves still thriving in the game, there are still numerous hardships. Other people, whether it be teammates, coaches, or even parents, are one of the largest obstacles I have had to overcome throughout my baseball career. Human nature allows for people to have envious or resentful tendencies, creating a negative atmosphere for the object of their …show more content…

No matter who or what steps in front of my path, I will do whatever it takes to reach my goals. Just as Angelou stated in “Still I Rise”, I hold myself as if “I’ve got gold mines diggin’ in my own backyard”. No matter who or what attempts to soil my success, I hold myself with confidence and dignity, knowing that even if I am temporarily brought down, I will rise again. Just like Angelou, I have not always had a clear, sure path, but I remain strong because of my love for the game of baseball and the faith I have in my own abilities. In the darkest of hours, still I

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