Suffragettes Research Paper

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Women have been fighting for their rights since the late 19th century and to this day the struggles continue. In some cases, women still don’t get the same wages, rights and privileges as male co-workers, which is a worldwide problem. Women had to earn their rights to vote and they often went on strike to get the attention of the public to make a change.

The Suffragettes are a women’s rights organization established in 1903, the Women’s Social and Politic Union (WSPU) was formed by Emmeline Pankhurst. As the British Suffragette leader, she was criticized worldwide due to her commitment to women’s rights. The WSPU was formed to stand up for women’s rights and their main focus was for women to obtain the right to vote. Women weren’t allowed to vote and they questioned this, but the answer they received many times was “Women don’t understand how parliament works so they couldn’t vote”. Millicent Fawcett, another prominent Suffragette, believed that if women had to obey the laws, they should have the ability to vote. The Suffragettes were extremely passionate in their beliefs …show more content…

Figures suggest that the gender pay gap will have an impact on women later on in life. In 1968 women were paid 87% of men’s wages, so on the 7th of June 1968 women went on strike for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks of strike the pay gap decreased and women now earn 92% of men’s wages. In 2012, it was recorded that 64% of the lowest paid workers were women and that each man earnt $6412.89 more than women per year and currently the average woman working full time received 84.3% of men’s pay. Due to the gender pay gap men currently earn considerably more money than women each year, women effectively stop earning money by early November each year. This issue is another right that women have to fight for because males are earning more money for doing the same