Suicide And Para-Suicide In The World

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This paper will be discussing suicide and Para-suicide among world views components of theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, sociology, psychology, politics, law, economics and history. Suicide is one of the major leading causes of death in the world. It is estimated that about one million people worldwide die by suicide each year and it is apparent in all cultures, religions, nationalities.
In his classical book definition of Suicide, Shneidman (1985) sees suicide as a multi-dimensional and the answer to a supposed problem: “Suicide is a conscious act of a self-induced annihilation, best understood as a multidimensional malaise in a needing individual who defines an issue for which the suicide is observed as …show more content…

Although the Bible has a good segment of suicide cases, there is no explicit condemnation or approval of it. Besides this obvious nonexistence, the bible is entirely life-affairming in its character, principles and contents. The New Catholic Encyclopedia offers a moral sense of what suicide, it is applied to any voluntary act and an unlawful moral act by which one causes his own death, by purposely imposing a grave injury on oneself with intention to die or by deliberately omitting to do what is essential to escape death (Stempsey, 1998).

Suicide in the Scripture
The Old Testament bible, presents varied forms of suicide cases, attempted suicide and suicidal ideation and behaviours. There are however, seven generally considered suicide cases/stories as told in the different books of the Old Testament, in no chronological order, these cases are: the suicides of Saul and his armour-bearer, Zimri, Samson, Ahitophel, Eleazar, Ptolemy and Razis.
Saul said to his armor-bearer, “Draw your sword and run me through, or these uncircumcised fellows will come and run me through and abuse me. But his armor-bearer was terrified and would not do it: so Saul took his own sword and fell on it. When the armor-bearer saw that Saul was dead, he fell on his sword and died with him” (1 Sam 31: