Suicide Prevention Training Should Be Mandatory In Schools

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Suicide Prevention Training Each day in our nation, there are an average of over 5,240 attempts by young people grades 7-12, and four out of Five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs. Suicide Prevention Training should be mandatory in schools.
Suicide is a problem among teens everywhere. Understanding suicide can be something that can be quite hard to come to understand, but suicide is a topic that needs to be stressed and talked about more often. Although there is no single “path” that will lead to suicide. Teenagers go to school everyday and interact with the people and friends around them but sometimes those “friends” and/or people aren't very nice. With that some teens come home unhappy and even sometimes depressed. …show more content…

First if you see someone you think suicide may be an option for them, don’t leave the person alone, leaving them alone may cause them more of what they are feeling and may just push them over the edge. Tell an adult and their parents/guardians. Remove any objects that can be used in a suicide attempt or self harm. Don't keep it a secret no matter how much they beg you not to, the person needs immediate attention. Try and be the best friend you possibly can be, that person needs someone they can rely on to talk and just be friends with. Take one step at a time to help your friend in need. Schools can take action by being prepared to deal with this kind of situation, being able to identify the students who may be at risk, also just by being able to promote emotional well-being. Awareness in general will help lower the numbers of suicide, for example if our communities, health care providers, and families talk about this topic it will help themselves and even …show more content…

The answer is firearms. 52% are by firearms, 23% from suffocation, 17% by poisoning, and 8% is other. The statistics of suicide are unbearable high. One in eleven high school students has made a suicide attempt in the last 12 months! One out of 53 high school students have made a suicide attempt serious enough that they needed to be treated by a doctor. Do the math that a lot of teens, and that's without including jr.high or college, and for each suicide death there may be 100-200 suicide attempts. Suicide is also the third leading cause of death in America. On average 121 suicide happen per day, that's 44,165 per year! Let's go beyond teens and include everyone. About 30,00 Americans take their own lives and about every 100min a person takes their life, it's also been said that men die from suicide 3.5 time more often than women.
Untreated depression can lead to suicide. Depression has a big impact with suicide because of the effects it has on someone, especially in children and teens. One in ten teens have a mental illness and only one receives treatment, the other nine teens are left untreated and have a bigger risk of suicide than the one who received

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