Summary: Neighborhood Context And Media Representative Of Crime

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After researching articles from the Oxford Research Encyclopedia, the article I found that was interesting was Neighborhood Context and Media Representative of Crime. The article shows research on how the media has influence over the public perception of crime which affects how neighborhoods are viewed by individuals. Also, the research article shows how the media will show one class of individual differently based on race opposed to another class who is of a different race.

The research article shows that when a crime happens in a movie it is most often based around a neighborhood regardless of it being portrayed in a movie or real life. This sets the theme for reporters who are telling the story. Also, based on the media reports neighborhoods are often times segregated by class, race, gender, and victim relationship to the offender. For the variables, most media stories are picked based on the attention or ratings. Next, studies show that homicides of large proportions receive little media …show more content…

Residents’ living in various towns across the United States will have their own idea of what is a safe or dangerous place to live. Before residents’ can take action they must first perceive that crime does exist. The purpose of this research is to show how crime perception among individuals living in neighborhoods differs. This research also addresses the problem of why some neighborhoods have more crime than others and the willingness of residents to get involved when the problem arises. The research examines why the stereotypes of Hispanics and African American communities. “The question posed here moves away from the individual-level focus of much prior research and focuses on an aggregate question: To what extent is the overall perception of crime of residents in a neighborhood related to the actual level of crime” (Higg, 2010 p.