Summary Of A Good Man Is Hard To Find By Flannery O Connor

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In “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” Flannery O’Connor utilizes symbolism to show how mankind's own selfish desires have blinded society from what is right and wrong. In the short story, O’Connor uses symbols to depict how two characters have caused lots of harm to a group of people because of their self-centered “moral” acts. Basing every decision on one's moral and self-consciousness only leads to the path of evil and darkness. In the story, O’Connor uses the Misfit to portray this type of person. Throughout the story, the sky is described as being empty and cloudless. This is repeated multiple times, as the author connects it with the Misfits. At the site of the families death, there wasn't a single “cloud in the sky nor any sun.” The empty sky is …show more content…

He believes that there is no pleasure in life, and takes no remorse in killing people. His selfish morals are what causes him to be so empty hearted and almost soulless, obsessing in his own codes of right and wrong that he is being led into the worst things any person can have, hatred and hopelessness. The Misfit is blinded by his own actions and desires, believing that what he is doing is right, which ultimately leads to the death of his mother and her family. The second symbol utilized in this story is the black hat. The Misfit shows up to the car wreck wearing tight jeans and “holding a black hat and a gun.” The color of the hat represents the evil and darkness that has befallen onto the man. The short-sightedness is a result of his selfishness, acting only upon his self-consciousness to relieve his pains, not letting anyone comfort or touch him. The hat proves O'Connor's point even more, the man is basing every decision on his own morals and desires, which can only lead to the evil and darkness that he has attained. The only reason he has the guts to kill children, and more importantly, his mother is because of his selfishness. He tries to take everything on by himself, even telling his mother that