Summary Of A Hero's Journey

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After, David killed Goliath, he went to live in a different town because his enemies were many. David was constantly chased by enemies from his hometown and neighboring villages. David had a friend whose name was Jonathan. Jonathan was a prince and his father were the king of Israel and one of David's enemies. David and Jonathan often hunted together and played games together.
It happened on a certain day that David met Johnathan and said unto him,“Hail, friend.” Jonathan hadn't seen David in a long time and he was glad and replied,“I am so happy to see you, but King Saul is looking for you to kill you.”
David knew all this and he answered,“But what will I do?”
Johnathan replied,“My father will surely kill you if he sees you or know where …show more content…

Meanwhile, King Saul and his soldiers looked for Jonathan because they didn't know where he was. They thought that he was captured by their enemies. They rode on horses and brought their weapons in case their enemies planned a secret ambush in the surrounding forests.
Johnathan allowed David to make a covenant with him because he loved him just as himself. David heeded to his words and obeyed. They went into the field and Jonathan devised a plan to help David. Johnathan would use a bow and arrow to show when his father the King of Israel and the army would come. If King Saul was approaching, he would shoot an arrow in the air and if the king and the army wasn't approaching in David's direction he wouldn't shoot an arrow.
Jonathan did this every day. He brought food to David as well and King Saul knew nothing about it. Jonathan was a great friend to …show more content…

Why do you want to kill him?”
The King became angry at his own son, and Jonathan left the table being disappointed that his father thought of such evil things. Jonathan went to his room and slept. King Saul knew that if he allowed David to be alive, he would become the new King because of Samuel's prophecy. So, he tried everything to prevent David from being alive. But the Lord was with David and showed him favor among the people.
The next day Jonathan arose and he saw a young boy and he said to him,“Run to the field and see what have become of the arrows that I had shot.” The young boy ran and when he came to the place he saw David in good health and his face was happy.
David said to the young boy,“Did Jonathan send you to look for me?”
The young boy answered,“Indeed, sir! He sent me here to look for you and to see what happened to his arrows.”
David remarked,“Tell Jonathan to come and see that I am indeed well.” The young boy ran with great speed until he saw Jonathan. Jonathan thought something was wrong and he said to the young boy,“Is everything alright? Did you see David?” The young boy replied,“Indeed he is alive and well. He is over the by the