Summary Of Adam Harwood's Spiritual Conditions Of Infants

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A Response To Adam Harwood’s Spiritual Condition of Infants: A Biblical-Historical Survey and Systematic Proposal: In Adam Harwood’s,“The Spiritual Conditions of Infants: A Biblical-Historical Survey and Systematic Proposal, Harwood gives an answer to the question many christians, especially parents, have asked about the eternal destiny of infants. The question, what happens to infants who die? Most evangelicals you ask will say that though infants are born in sin if they die before knowing and understanding sin they go to heaven. The way people come to the conclusion varies including the question on those who have not heard the gospel. Adam Harwood at the time of writing this book was the assistant professor of Christian Studies at Truett-McConnell …show more content…

In chapter two, Harwood reveals four assumptions which serve as “boundaries” in studying this subject. 1) A person is a person no matter how small. 2) Infants have a sinful nature because of their descent from the first Adam. 3) God can welcome infants with a sinful nature into heaven. 4) If number three occurs, then it is through the person and work of Christ(p 7). In this section Harwood rules out pelagianism, the idea that infants are born sinless, universalism, the idea that all will be saved by God, and the postmortem opportunity for salvation. Harwood hits heavily on the charismatic view of the calvinist Wayne Grudem on infant salvation. Harwood gives strong critiques saying Grudem is “in a minority scholars who either imply or state some people who die in infancy will or might end up in hell” (p 23). He also provides commentary on Romans 5:12 making the distinction between inherited sinful nature and inherited sinful guilt. The biblical section is compromised of chapters 4-10 and an interpretation on scriptures including Romans 5:12-21, Psalm 51:5, Ephesians 2:3, Luke 1:15, Mark 10:13-16, and 1 Corinthians 7:14. Through this section Harwood engages various scholars both calvinist and non-calvinist. The third and final section offers the historical survey of various positions on infant salvation within the christian church. Harwood …show more content…

Your view should remain faithful to the bible on mankind connection to Adam and his sin and recognize the guilt and condemnation of an individual. While infants may not understand what sin is and therefor should not be held accountable for their sins when they grow up it is our job to teach them right form wrong. At the youngest age possible we should be teaching children that Jesus came to live the perfect life, died a horrible death, and rose from the dead victorious over all, all for the forgiveness of their sin! It is important to encourage them to make the personal relationship with Christ and repent of their sins. That is the point Adam Harwood is trying to make in this book. This book also challenges the reader to draw their own conclusion on the spiritual condition of infants, because this is a very important question asked by many and it is important to have background on your views and this book offers the recourses to form an opinion and answer when asked by those who are grieving. For these reasons I would recommend this book to anyone who is in a ministry position who may have to provide an answer to grieving parents or to anyone who is interested in theological questions and is looking to form an