Summary Of After Action Report By Phil Klay

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Humans are these incredible beings capable of nearly anything your mind could imagine but we are just human. We aren’t invulnerable nor are we immortal. Everyone, however sad it may be, will die. Whether young or old, healthy or sick, we are fragile beings that lack the ability to live forever and the short stories read cover that very well. The story “After Action Report” by Phil Klay displays just how fragile the human mind really is. The main character in the story is Lance Corporal Suba and it begins with his vehicle being hit by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). The vehicle is crippled and when he and another man in Suba’s squad get out of the vehicle they come under AK 47 fire. Timhead, the other man in his squad, starts firing at the corner of a building where there is flashing lights so Suba joins in. The gunshots stop and all that remains is a dead kid on the ground holding his dad’s AK that he had picked up. Timhead had shot him but he didn’t want people to know that so he told Suba that he had been the one to shoot the boy. Suba is consumed by this idea that he killed the kid and it haunted him for the rest of his life. This story shows how fragile we are in …show more content…

This story involves a young boy that gets hit by a car on his birthday. He gets taken to the hospital after he passes out and the doctors say that he is just in a very deep sleep and should wake up soon. After days of him not waking up and multiple scans the doctors can’t figure out what seems to be wrong with him. Finally one day he does wake up just long enough for his parents to see him die. The doctors say he was a special case that was almost impossible to treat even if they did catch it right away. This is a great example that no matter how old or healthy a person is there are still things out there that cause death like this and in a lot of cases humans don’t know how to stop