Analysis Of Slavery By Alexis De Tocqueville

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Upon visiting America in 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville studied the ways and means of American society and assessed their values and government. Considering how slavery was still practiced at this time, de Tocqueville evaluated America 's way of segregation and racism in relation to how their country will function in the future. He writes: “it will readily be understood that there are but two alternatives for the future; the negroes and the whites must either wholly part or wholly mingle” (Tocqueville 432). After making this claim, de Tocqueville makes his own prediction for the future of the country in regards to their current practice of slavery. He says: “I do not imagine that the white and black races will live in a country upon an equal footing” (Tocqueville 433). Here, de Tocqueville is assuming the worst in American society and anticipating a forever segregated nation. However, Ahlstrom’s writings on “Slavery, Disunion, and the Churches” as well as “The Churches Amid Civil War and Reconstruction” both provide a more optimistic view of American society. These …show more content…

689), his previous claims and allegations point to the idea that “reconstruction” towards a perfectly equal society could actually be possible. Looking at America today, impressive strides towards equality have already been achieved since the early 18th and 19th centuries including the election of our very first black president for two terms. The steep uphill battle towards white and black races (and all minorities) living in a country upon an equal footing will be most challenging. But unlike the thinking of De Tocqueville, the possibility of this idealistic world is plausible but simply cannot be achieved overnight. Considering how far we have come as a nation from the time of slavery to now, the future could hold that version of equality that we are so set on achieving. Slow and steady wins the