Differences And Similarities Between Marx And De Tocqueville

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De Tocqueville doesn 't view liberty as an attribute part of the democratic era. He believes that the only character that is associated with this era is equality. He explains in his theory that people of this era prize equality over liberty, although he doesn 't deny that democratic people value liberty, because everyone can take part in it and enjoy it effortlessly, as opposed to liberty where you have to "sacrifice" to achieve it (De Tocqueville, 1835). He holds that equality creates individualism, which means people separate themselves from one another, their ancestors and the future generations, that leads to tyranny and despotism. On the contrary, he claims that during the aristocratic ages, people were not selfish and careless about others ' needs because "aristocracy links everybody, from peasant to king" (De Tocqueville, 1835). Marx, equally, believes that the outcome of industrial capitalism is alienation of the proletariat, the working class, from their society. …show more content…

Hence, both De Tocqueville and Marx claim that separation in those modern communities is guaranteed, on the other hand, both of these thinkers majorly differ, because Marx holds that the working class will eventually gain "class consciousness" (Marx, 1844) and demolish capitalism to settle for an equal