Summary Of Ambush At Shadow Valley

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The book Ambush at Shadow Valley is a fictional novel written by Ralph Cotton. It was published in 2008 by New American Library. This book set in the late 1800’s in the newly developing western territories on the United States. It tells the story of ranger Sam Burrack and Hector Sandoval as they try to catch Suela Soto. Hunting Soto will put Sam on the trail of one of the most infamous gangs in the west; The Hole in the wall Gang. This story follows five characters throughout the book. Sam Burrack is an Arizona lawman. He is known as one of the toughest rangers in the west and won’t stop till he catches Soto. Hector Sandoval is a guardia from the town of Valle Hermoso. After watching Soto kill his brother is joins Sam to bring down the man …show more content…

Soto finallys joins the gang and he starts mixing explosives for the job with Clarimonde assisting him. Although he is providing the explosives Memphis Beck has a controversial because of the killing first mentality that he brings to the gang. This mentality is different from the rest of the gang who were known for not kill anyone. After sometime preparing they successfully rob a train car of millions of dollars worth of gold. Beck then proceeds to confront Soto about Clarimonde. This event see’s Clarimonde go with Beck and the rest of the gang and Soto leave the gang. Soto then goes after the gang killing them off one by one as the venture back to their hideout from the scene of the crime. Till there is just Beck and Clarimonde left at the gang’s hideout. Sam and Hector after escaping from Soto’s trap catch up to Beck and Clarimonde at the hideout. Beck tell them to go away thinking that he has everything under control no wanting to make trouble for Clarimonde, Hector and Sam leave but only so far that they can still see the house that Beck and Clarimonde are in. Soto after joining up with his own gang attacks the house shooting many rounds into the house. Beck knowing that Soto won't stop attacking him and Clarimonde till he thinks they are dead leave though the back and blows the house up. Thinking that Clarimonde and Beck are still in the house Sam and Hector tries to save them. Both eventually get shot but not killed. Soto seeing them get shot sends two of his gang members to go and finish them off while Soto and the rest of the gang goes back to camp. Beck seeing the two gang members rushes down to Hector and Sam's aid and eventually killing both. After the fight Hector is too hurt to go on but Sam manages to get onto a horse and pursue Soto. Sam eventually finds the gang's camp and while Soto is setting up dynamite to blow up a side of a valley pushes the convict off to his