Summary Of Andrew Sullivan's Argument For Homosexuality

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An accomplished writer and an open homosexual, Andrew Sullivan wrote his best known work speaking for the struggles and social oppritunnitues of homosexuas in a heterosexual based cuture. His best known work was Virtually Normal: An argument about Homosexuality. This work was directed to a conservative audience, as one can sense the defensiveness as he writes about his own experiences with homosexuality, where he uses rhetoric to address the needs and subculture of homosexuality.
In his work, Sullivan discusses his own growth as an adolescent growing into his homosexual identity. He uses the depression and angst that coincides with the struggles of youth, an age that is an uncouth time for all. Speaking of how youth have to hid in order to “pass” among heterosexual peers. The hopes of marriage and a family that young people aspire to is out of the reach of these budding youth. In order to pass, these youth develop a structured life, centered around a career or academics, but this can lead to an overwhelming depression, as Sullivan presented in his description of a man who, while living his structured life, woke up one morning to find himself paralyzed. There was no forward, …show more content…

He explains his own history of breaking through his structured shell and learning to grow into his identity. Logic and ethical reasoning depict the usefulness of homosexuals in society and the morality of harming youth by forcing them to hide in order to please a public. Sullivan argues that while conservative opponents are right where homosexuals can't reproduce, they can take on the responsibilities of nurturing children. Giving support to heterosexual parents and help raise a new generation. Andrew Sullivan combines age old arguments about homosexuality with ethical, logical, and emotional insights into the world of gay youth, and the gifts that they could give our