Summary Of Antigone

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This play is about two brothers, Polynices and Eteocles, who both wanted to be king of Thebes, the two brothers, fight for the crown but both dead, as a result their uncle Creon becomes the kind of Thebes, ordering that Eteocles must be bury since he defended the city, leaving Polynices to rot, declared that who ever tried to bury Polynices should must be kill. Antigone sister of the two brothers does not agree with what the king ordered, she believes that both of her brothers deserve to be bury, so secretly she bury her brother Polynices but she gets caught. Antigone its sent to the cave to die of starvation after the kings finds out. Haemon, Creon’s son was deeply in love of Antigone, so he ask the king his father to reconsider what he had done to Antigone, but the king gets angry and tell Heamon that he is a weak man. Teiresias the old blind prophets tells Creon that the gods disagree with the decisions he had made with Polynices and Antigone.

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