Summary Of Argument For Lane Community College

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By writing this memorandum it is in my intent to briefly synthesize the information that was acquired during the initial research but also outlines my plans for the completion of the project assigned.

Research Results

The project that I will work on is based on creating a poster about fallacies of argument for Lane Community College (LCC), a 2-year college located in Eugene, Oregon. LCC stands for various core themes: a responsive community engagement, an accessible and equitable learning opportunity, a quality student environment and individual student achievement. Along these core themes, there are a set of core values. One of them is integrity, Lane’s goal is to foster an environment of respect, fairness, honesty, openness and also promoting …show more content…

However, because of the extremely differentiated demographic, the main goal will be to find a medium between a younger group of students and a more mature one (the average age of credit students in Fall 2014 was 27). The best way to attract the audience towards the poster is to create something that will be aesthetically pleasing and structured in such a way that will be easy to memorize, but also serious enough to be connected to the institution that LCC represents. The need for the poster does not necessarily apply to Lane Community College but is limited to the Writing Department. The goal is to create something that student will purposely look for when in need of clarification about fallacies of argument, and to not just create a piece of paper that will be considered just as a piece of decor in …show more content…

The sole reason why I decided to choose this genre is that it respects the ideals I stand for, simplicity and clarity. This is particularly fundamental in regards to this very poster. The topic of it might not seem too appealing to an audience of students, therefore my main goal is to create something that will be aesthetically pleasing to look at, but also something student can confidently rely on when looking for information about Logical Fallacies. I will be designing two posters: firstly a 24x36 one, secondly a 36x24 one. The reason why I'm designing two is that it will help me play with the distribution of the types of fallacies, help me decide how to spread the information on the poster and where to feature the logo of LCC in the most pleasing way possible. The software used for this project will mainly consist of Google Draw, along with some minor usage of the Adobe Suite. The design will be simple, intuitive and clear. As I did with my Quick Reference Card project, I will try to employ the concepts of alignment, contrast, proximity and repetition. I will use 4px boxes to guide the eye to each of the different types of fallacies. Each of the fallacies will be identifiable by a simple logo to help the audience build a connection in their head helping them identify the fallacy they are looking for. In conclusion, I will be looking to follow the “undesign” trend that has been pretty popular among companies across the world