Summary Of At The Holocaust Museum By David Oliver Relin

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We are going to discuss the article, “At the Holocaust Museum,” by David Oliver Relin. This document is about the museum in Washington, DC that informs of the horrors Hitler and his Nazi party did to the Jews during World War II, killing more than 6 million and taking away their citizenship and rights. This fact about the Holocaust portrays objectivity through measurable data. A majority of informal articles are primarily objective over subjective; informing the reader and giving the reader facts and data than displaying or providing a point of view or emotions. Subjectivity is when the text or segments of the text are being based on or influenced by someone's personal feelings, tastes, or opinions; the author’s, characters, or other people’s. …show more content…

The author uses personal feelings and opinions throughout the article to influence the reader or audience. One example of subjectivity is, ‘"I can't go in there," Rachel says. "It smells." “This probably smells like perfume compared to what it was like with 100 people inside," says her friend Scott Swenson, 17.” This evidence from the text illustrates subjectivity through opinion because the statements are two people's personal opinions on their environment showing subjectivity. Rachel says that it reeks in the cattle cart. However, Scott makes an assumption that it smells like perfume compared to another state the area could be in. A second example of subjectivity is, “It hasn't been a pleasant process and not everyone is glad they've come. But nearly all who've passed through the museum have been affected by what they've seen.” This sentence from the text describes subjectivity through opinion because it says that most people who have been there had been affected by what they have experienced. Portraying an opinion on how people brought about and reacted to these events. The last piece of evidence that is an example of subjectivity is, “...Laurie says to her brother between sobs,...” This portion of a sentence from the text represents subjectivity through emotion because the words, “..between sobs..,” conveys sadness a girl has in the article towards the Holocaust. This conveys subjectivity because not everyone could end up sobbing because of these events that took place; also, this is an emotion that is being portrayed making it subjective. This article shows subjectivity in approximately half of the text through emotions and point of view people and the author have as a result of the