Summary Of Bbc's Hyper Evolution: Rise Of The Robots

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BBC’s Hyper Evolution: Rise of the Robots features two main hosts: Professor Danielle George and Dr. Ben Garrod. Professor George is an electrical engineer with accreditation in Radio Frequency Engineering and Microwave Communication Engineering, possessing a Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. She also has a BSc in Astrophysics and an MSc in Radio Astronomy from the University of Manchester in the UK. Because of her strong background in electrical engineering, Professor George offers an informed and reliable commentary about robotics. On the other hand, Dr. Garrod is an English evolutionary biologist, primatologist, and broadcaster. He does not possess the same history as Danielle, and could possibly be not quite as reliable when …show more content…

Firstly, for their counterargument that “robots will take our jobs” they state that these fears came up once before: during the industrial revolution. Back then, people were worried they would be replaced by machines and left with no jobs; however, machines just made certain work more efficient and shifted what jobs were actually needed. Additionally, when discussing the possibility of a robot uprising, the documentary addressed the 3 laws of robotics: a set of laws programmed into robots to ensure they do not cause harm to humans or themselves. When the robots are actually presented in the documentary, the hosts make sure to show or at least describe how they function. At Boston Dynamics, George points out how one of the robots works; it has a hydraulic fluid system similar to a human’s circulation system, and motors to function similar to a human’s muscles. For most of the robots, they describe the machine’s intended function and how it performs that function. In addition, Rise of the Robots makes use of case studies and data research: how there are already 9 million robots with more each day, and how it’s predicted that by 2030, robots may take over 30% of existing jobs. This data illustrates the rate at which robots are progressing and possible concerns, but the documentary shows how it is good for