How many times have people doubted you, rooted against you, or even wanted you to fail? Well I don’t know about you, but I don’t even think I have enough hands and fingers to count how many times, Jose Valenzuela author of “Blog: Boston Teacher Residency” has been against all odds. Going through a rough four years of high school and almost all of your teachers or counselors either doubt you, don’t believe in you, or want you to fail was very tough, but somehow Jose managed to avoid the negativity around him and focus on the bigger picture at hand. His main idea was to prove people wrong and show them that he was way more than what they thought of him. When people told him negative remarks about how he can’t do certain things or about how he …show more content…
He wants people who also have all odds against them to fight with their brains and not with their fists or mouths, to strive for the best and believe in themselves when no one else does, and most importantly no matter how big the storm is you will eventually get through it and things will be better off in the end. Jose uses deep emotions and feelings to infer how he felt when he was told he (CAN’T), but also carefully organizes his memoir in chronological order by, utilizing a style of imagery and word-choice; combining the two to symbolize a visual picture and putting emphasis on certain …show more content…
He also relates this memoir to his success and the struggles that he faced along his journey. If Jose hadn’t have struggled or faced difficulties along his way to the top, then I believe this memoir wouldn’t exist. “It is a story that I tell others and myself that gives hope that success is possible. I do not believe in giving value to hardship. All humans have suffered or do suffer… However, we do find value in the stories we hear.(Valenzuela)” The tone in his voice as he writes, made readers feel where he was coming from and the idea that he wanted his readers to understand. He wanted people to understand where he was at a point of time and where he was trying to be. No matter what, despite the negative remarks that he was told and despite the doubt he faced, nothing or no one was going to stop him from getting his education. He followed his dream and proved people wrong with the grades he made, and by walking across the