Summary Of Canadian Women And The Struggle For Equality By Lorna Marsden

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Canadian Women & the Struggle for Equality by Lorna R. Marsden provides a deeper understanding of the struggle women went through to achieve gender equality. She describes in detail the long and increasingly difficult journey that women went through and are still going through to accomplish gender equality. Throughout the book she has certain strengths and few but substantial weaknesses in her writing. While she does provide the reader with plenty of information she fails to make the information relatable and interesting, or to make it stand out from other books that were written on the same topic. Nevertheless, she does provide a lot of supporting evidence for her thesis and thoughtfully organizes the book by theme. In her work, Marsden, …show more content…

In more detail, this book provides us with knowledge on specific events through time that women faced on their way to gender equality. Major arguments in this book include, struggle with the law, war, social change, demographic change, making a living and the continuation of change. Marsden provides evidence to support each one of these arguments using critical analysis of information. She explains to readers the significance of this specific aspect in Canadian history, especially for women. This book not only provides us with more knowledge on the journey that women went through to achieve equal rights, it also shows us how far women have gone to accomplish gender equality and how much further we still have to …show more content…

In Marsden’s book there are only a few weaknesses but they are still relevant enough to notice. In my experience of the book I found it to be dense and with little inside perspective. The book was dense because it was overloaded with facts, making it seem more like a textbook. This could have been resolved by proving some personal insight to get the reader more involved and interested in the book. Perspective has a lot to do with this. Marsden, being a woman, provides little personal perspective and doesn’t influence the book to be read a certain way. Coming from a women’s perspective I expected it to be a bit more one-sided. Another downfall was the fact that it is incredibly similar to other books that were written on the same topic. Being that is such a widely known and talked about topic, it would be hard to make a book stand out when authors are working with the same information and facts. Although, this could have been resolved by providing some more personal insight, as I said before. Involving the reader by providing personal insights would make the book a more interesting read and want you to keep reading to find out more, otherwise it just makes the book seem more like a