The Idea Of 'Religion In Garden Of Eden'

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My experience with this novel can be explained as a roller coaster ride, it had its ups and downs but overall it is a very educational and enlightening book. This novel made me question several things like religion,science and history; for example, the chapters "Darwin and Freud" basically followed the ideas I learned in Ap Biology but went into more detail, this made me happy because I could finally make a real life connection to the book and understand it more. On the opposite side some parts that made me really think and question included the chapters "The "Garden Of Eden", "Two Cultures" and several others because they included the idea of religion. The idea of religion for myself is a hard topic to understand for a non-religious person, …show more content…

The book overall addresses philosophy and philosophical ideas through a realistic story of two lives turning to one towards the end. My overall idea of what is happening in the book changed several times until I finally reached a conclusion towards the end of the book and figured out This book is a window to Hilde's life with the overall common idea of creation. This can be shown through many uses of symbolism like in the chapter "Romanism" when Albert Read the message from the lamp and Sophie and Alberto both could understand it. The other idea about the book is that I think Albert is actually Alberto, this is shown by at the end of the story the roles were reversed and Albert was giving Hilde a philosophy lesson. The questions in the book also revert back to one common idea and hope to explain the book as a whole and tie into the plot of every single chapter. Most of the chapters were easy to comprehend because of my previous knowledge others were difficult because I took them at face value and did not broaden my horizons and look at the overall picture, instead I looked at one idea instead of several and how do they connect and why?. This book is filled with great information that can enlighten you only if you can stop being closed minded and look at everything as a whole and find the common idea that