
Summary Of Diabulimia By Karen Lindll

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Journalist Karen Lindell is currently a freelance reporter in Pasadena, California. Lindell has written and edited newspapers, magazines, and websites. She has written a newspaper article titled, “The Eating Disorder You’ve Never Heard Of”. It was published in 2014 from an addiction recovery website, The Fix. The purpose of the article is to inform readers of an eating disorder called, “Diabulimia”. Lindell explains that diabulimia is a disorder that causes type-1 diabetics to tamper with their insulin doses, causing weight loss. The author also warns readers the dangerous side effects of the disorder such as: kidney failure, blindness, and amputation. Lindell uses a personal story from a woman named MaryJeanne Hunt, who has experienced diabulima. Lindell also provides research from medical professionals to support facts about this disorder. …show more content…

The author attempts to reach out to other health care professionals who can extensively research this disorder. The website, The Fix is a website for recovery in alcohol and drug addictions. In the article, Lindell does provide facts from psychologists and other researchers on diabulimia. But, she is vague on actually how to treat this disorder. This certain type of website targets an audience who is interested in being treated for their disorders and getting help for their addictions. It seems Lindell is not providing enough information about treatment by which there is not much logic in putting this article on The Fix. Lindell did make the language easier for readers to understand and even defined diabulimia and type-1 diabetes in the first few paragraphs for readers who might not know about it. However as the article progresses, medical professionals use medical terms that the average person might find

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